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Roof Anchor Inspections

March 4, 2024
Roof Anchor Inspections

Roof Anchor Inspections

This time of year, nearly every strata property is conducting exterior maintenance such as window washing. Vendors are extremely busy and some are scheduling months in advance...you do not want any delays! One unforeseen delay could be that your roof anchors have not been inspected.

Anchors protect people when working at heights. These anchors are usually found on roofs, balconies and patio edges.

Because they are a critical safety item that trades use to hang from, anchors are designed to follow strict code implemented by the Provincial Health and Safety Code (WorkSafeBC) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

Fall Protection Systems, by regulations, must be inspected every 12 months by qualified personnel and signed by a Professional Engineer.

Load-testing may also be required to check the integrity of the system, the sturdiness of its connection to the building, and to ensure the system will perform as intended in the event of a fall.

At Wynford we ensure roof anchor inspections and load tests (if required), are built into all annual property calendars. We want to keep everyone safe and ensure there is no delay in getting exterior maintenance completed.